Randy Cantrell

Randy Cantrell is the founder of Bula Network, LLC, a boutique coaching company specializing in city government leadership.

The Death Of A Queen

The Death of a Queen

The Death of a Queen1 Timothy 2:1-2

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

I just watched the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II.





As many have observed, she wasn’t part of history, she was history.

70 years and 214 days. The longest reign of any British monarch.

From February 2, 1952, until her death on September 8, 2022.

From Winston Churchill forward, she ruled 15 Prime Ministers.




Such a death compels millions to consider simultaneously consider death. So it goes with the death of the extraordinarily famous. It helps when they’re as beloved as the Queen.

Hundreds of thousands lined the streets in London and all along the procession which carried the Queen to her burial place in Windsor at St. George’s Chapel.

The Queen architected the details of her funeral, including the songs that were sung.

She wasn’t likely able to architect the details of her life though. Born into royalty in 1926 she was trained as I suppose all sovereign children are – how to be royal.

Before we think about our death, we have to think about our life, deciding how we’ll live.

I often think of the moment our soul departs our body and our spirit enters the eternal realm. Especially during times like these – the death of a famous person.

But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written:

AsI live, says the Lord,
Every knee shall bow to Me,
And every tongue shall confess to God.”

So then each of us shall give account of himself to God. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way.

  • Romans 14:10-13

It’s true. There are no dead atheists.

I often think of what the dead now know with certainty that we may not quite believe. Or know.

Like now. What does Queen Elizabeth know that she didn’t know before? What does any departed soul now know that went unknown or unrealized while in this body?

What can I know and understand right now that I may not be knowing or understanding? How can I lean harder into wisdom that is eternal, not just earthly? How can I know and understand things that transcend this life?

It’s largely the focal point of a project I began during the Pandemic, In Thy Paths.

The death of a Queen, this particular Queen, is a momentous event in history. It’s even more momentous for her soul, which continues to live on. God, the Creator, who rules over all, will be the judge of all.

I hope the death of a Queen provokes all of us to carefully consider the King that sits on the throne of our heart – the one to whom we bow and serve. For many, that king is themselves. But God, the Father, has given us a Savior, a King, a sovereign above all others. Jesus is a King with the power to give us Heaven forever.

Randy Cantrell

P.S. Today is also the 72nd anniversary of my parents. That’s right. They were married over a year before Elizabeth became the Queen.

Jeff & Becky Cantrell - married 72 years today, September 19, 2022

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Cash Flowing Life: The Encore Chapter

Cash Flowing Life: The Encore Chapter

It’s an impromptu special episode. A few bullet points may be helpful.

  • We’ve always cash flowed our life, or tried to.
  • Two pivotal milestones impact every American’s encore chapter: a) Medicare (when you reach 65) and b) Social Security (when you reach 62 or full-retirement or age 70).
  • Retirement means different things to us than “not working” or “not earning income.” We want to continue to earn income and continue to live within our means.
  • Modest living is a goal. Not austere living, but modest living. Frugality is a way of life, unapologetically.
  • We’re living our lives for ourselves (and each other). God remains THE priority, but when the encore chapter days arrive, you realize – if you’re married – that your lives together are now what remains. And it’s great if you put in the work! I’m putting in the work – or trying to. My wife is the most important person in my life. It doesn’t mean I don’t love kids, grandkids, and the rest of my family, but it means I know I’m not the most important person to them. And I’m good with it. It’s the cycle of life and how it ought to be.

Randy Cantrell

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What To Do When Enthusiasm Wanes

What To Do When Enthusiasm Wanes

Success is the ability to move from one failure to another without loss of enthusiasm.

Often attributed to Winston Churchill or Abraham Lincoln although there’s no evidence either man said or wrote it. Both men did speak and write about resilience, persistence, and never giving up. No matter who said it, it’s wise because experience tells us it’s mostly accurate. Of course, it depends on how we define “enthusiasm.” If we mean exuberance, maybe not so much if our focus is on the cheerfulness part of it. I’ll take a shot and give you my definition of enthusiasm, as it relates to that quote.

The ability to persist, to push through, regardless of the adversity

You can interpret it differently, but that feels right to me because success requires each of us to do things we may not want to do, or things we don’t enjoy doing because we’re pursuing something we think will be worth the sacrifice and effort.

Today, let’s wrestle a little bit with this universal challenge – a loss of enthusiasm.

Randy Cantrell

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The Blurry Lines of Life

The Blurry Lines of Life

Happy Birthday to my sister, Lexie. She is my only sibling. Six years older than me. 

When I was a kid growing up, folks reached 65 and it was considered the age at which people stopped working. Companies seemed to ordain that once you were 65 you were done. Finished.

Now that I’m 65 it feels so wrong. And incongruent with how the world works today.

I look at old photos of my grandparents when they were still in their 50s and they seemed so old to me at the time. Even through the lens of my 65-year-old eyes today, those old photos depict people much older than my current age. Never mind that they were a full decade younger than I now am – they looked old. They acted old. But they lived in a world where their peers looked and acted in a similar fashion.

I’m not sure how to properly define the lines of life, but mine seem to fall into a few different categories: spiritual, mental, relational, professional, and financial. There’s nothing absolute about these, but I can use them to illustrate the point of today’s show.

Spiritual is upfront because eternity changes everything. That makes our spiritual life the most important part of our life. Spiritual is the priority so it spills over into every other area.

Mental is next for me because it overlaps all of the others, too. It encompasses feelings and beliefs. It also includes our inner drive – the motivation we exhibit when we display the energy we have to achieve whatever it is we’re aiming to achieve.

Relational matters because it’s our interaction with others. From our closest relationships – like marriage – to our most casual – like some social media friends we’ve never met in person. Without this, there is no influence or impact on others. And without it, others have no influence on us either.

Professional is what we choose to do to earn a living.

Financial is our relationship with money. It includes the decisions we make with our money. Where we spend it. How we invest it. How we might waste it. Anything else involving our money, including our stuff!

These are a few of the lines I’m thinking about, but that’s not all of them.

I’m also thinking about the lines between who I am and who I most want to be. There’s the person I am versus the person I’m working to become.

I’m thinking of the past, present, and future lines, too. We all have a past that has contributed to helping us be who we now are. And all of our choices are going to impact who we’re likely to become.

As you can see, our lives are filled with lots of lines. It’s easy to understand how they can become blurred. Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between them. For example…

It’s Always About The Money. Ok, Not Always, But Often!

Yes, that’s cynical. But mostly realistic. Regardless of our age money is the ever-present elephant in the room. Every room.

I’m not saying money matters above everything, but I am saying that money is a preoccupation with most of us. We spend the greater part of our lives earning it or trying to. Then we spend time lusting for things money can buy.

Money (financial) can crossover and impact all those other areas or lines.

I’m old. I’ve had no-telling-how-many conversations with people about money and luck. And timing. Permit a qualifier. I’ve only had a few conversations with people who were chasing a dream in the arts and performance areas of life. Those folks wanted fame. They wanted their work to be seen, heard, or experienced in some way. But since I started out in small business as a teen, most of my conversations have been with people who mostly wanted money – MORE money than they currently had, or were earning.

Preparing for your time to come means preparing so you can at long last make MORE money. Nothing wrong with that, I’m just acknowledging the elephant in the room — for many people. But this is logical. We all need money. Most of us need MORE money. Not all of us need, want, or crave fame or notoriety. And many people equate fame and notoriety with more money. More money seems more universal than any other pursuit.

I’ve already confessed how daily I feel as though my worth is based on dollars. Or lack thereof. It’s not intellectual or logical. It’s emotional. It’s a feeling. It’s just one example of the blurry lines of life. There are many more.

Blurry lines don’t have to remain blurry. We’re able to clear them up with sufficient work.

Sir Ken Robinson was brilliant, witty, and extraordinary. If you’ve not read his books, you should. Especially his books on finding your element – the thing you’re very good at and the thing you most enjoy!

It speaks to our story – the one we’re writing by how we live.

Randy Cantrell

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Be A Buffalo: Stop Hiding From Your Problems

Be A Buffalo: Stop Hiding From Your Problems

Maybe I heard it because I was born in Oklahoma, a state with quite a bit of native American history and heritage. As a boy, I remember being fascinated whenever we’d find an arrowhead. The story likely came from that Indian culture I was around as a kid. I can’t be sure. Either that or it may have been because Oklahoma is also smack dab in the middle of tornado alley. Thunderstorms are a way of life around these parts (Oklahoma and north Texas).

The illustration is powerful. It deals with buffalo and thunderstorms. For those who may not know, thunderstorms travel from west to east. Cattle and buffalo react when the dark clouds start rolling in, signifying a coming storm. The cattle run east, away from the storm. The buffalo run west, directly in the path of the storm.

Question: Which animal is in the storm the longest?

Answer: The cattle…because they’re traveling with the storm.

The moral of the story is to behave more like a buffalo. Lean into your problems. Run into the storm. Don’t hide. Fight. We all have to endure the storms. It’s up to us how long we endure it. We can be like a cow running away from it, hiding. It just means we’ll be in the storm longer. Or, we can be a buffalo and fight. Face our storm by charging into it knowing that our time there will be much briefer than we ran away from it.

Storms are coming. I don’t know what they’ll look like, but the clouds are rolling in. Wave after wave. Some darker than others.

Springtime in Texas means thunderstorms and possible tornados. Lightning and hail are ordinary when the clouds are really dark.

Our life storms are no different. Some are violent and threatening. Others ramble a bit with thunder, but don’t produce much wind or rain. Some are predictable and forecasters appear to have prophetic powers. Others pop up suddenly, catching us off guard. Around here, you have to be prepared. When the sirens sound – warning us of a tornado sighting – we know where to go inside our house (or to our storm shelter if we’ve got one).

Damage depends on the severity of the storm and the preparedness of the people enduring it. When winds approach 100 miles an hour, you’re not going to prevent damage to your house, but you can stay safe. Houses can be rebuilt, new roofs can be installed and cars repaired or replaced. When you know what’s coming – and you prepare for the worst – you can survive. Battered maybe. Even bloody perhaps. People in these parts want to do what we can to survive. Mostly we do – as evidenced by how few people are killed in big storms.

But maybe I’m getting ahead of myself as I am wont to do. The storms that happen in our lives aren’t exactly like those that happen in nature. Sometimes we create our own storms. We make choices that results in thunder and lightning and significant damage. Overcoming our own stupidity can be difficult at times depending on the degree of our stupidity prowess. Some of us have extraordinary skills, brought about by years of experience in doing one stupid thing after another. Jumping off that stupidity merry-go-round can be a hard thing for some. I know. I’ve had my own struggles with it. You?

Life has options. Always.

Maybe not the ones we most want, but still — options. I’m a big fan of options because I like freedom. Freedom is being able to choose.

PigglyWiggly-LogoWalk through the aisle of your local Piggly Wiggly supermarket and you’ll clearly understand freedom. Okay, we don’t have more Piggly Wiggly stores in Texas. How sad is that? We’re no longer afforded the freedom to “dig the pig.” It’s enough to feel like a prisoner with no choices.

Okay, you get the idea — go visit your local grocery store. Pick something…some category of food item. Jam. Cookies. Cereal. Crackers. Bread. Mustard. Ketchup. It can be anything.

Now go stand in front of that category and count the different varieties you can purchase. There’s likely dozens from which to choose. That’s freedom. You have a choice to make.

Now you may look at the selection and think, “I’m not about to pay nearly $10 for some little jar of mustard.” Again, that’s your choice. You can tell yourself, “I can’t afford $10 mustard.” Again, you could choose to eat $10 mustard if you cared more about mustard. What’s that drink in your hands right now? How much did you pay for that?

That Venti Starbucks was likely over $5. It’s a one-time beverage. That jar of mustard might last you an entire month. Don’t tell me you can’t afford $10 mustard. You could if you cared more. But it’s okay that you don’t. Again, we’re talking freedom to decide – to choose what matters to you. Coffee is worth more than mustard to you. Me? I care way more about mustard than coffee ’cause I don’t drink coffee. My choice. My freedom.

No, I don’t care about mustard enough to buy $10 mustard. I just care about it more than coffee. It doesn’t mean I’m crazy for mustard. But I am crazy for Nilla Wafers. Sure, you can eat those generic “vanilla wafers.” But they’re not the same. Nilla Wafers are worth the extra money to me – if I’m going to eat vanilla wafers! Freedom.

We’ve got choices when it comes to the storms of our life, too. For the sake of our little story at the beginning, we’ve got two choices: we fight, or we run. We stand. Or we hide.

Scientists tell us we have a flee or flight mechanism that protects us. I call it having a brain. When we’re in danger we react based on our assessment of the situation.

If I’m walking down the street and somebody comes up behind, sticks what seems to be a gun in my back and yells, “Give me your money” — I’m faced with a split second choice. I’m free to run, hoping it’s not a real gun. Or hoping the robber won’t pull the trigger. Or hoping he’ll miss if he does.

I could turn around and knock him in the head. Or try. I’d likely miss.

I could scream like a girl. That’d be my first instinct. The moment he opened his mouth I think I’d automatically go to screaming.

I could empty my pockets while pleading for her to not kill me. That’s right. My robber is a girl. I’m free to make this story go any way I want. Your robber can be whoever you want. I want to be robbed by a girl. Maybe my screaming will make her laugh and leave me alone. Maybe my rugged good looks will distract her long enough for me to get that gun away from her. You never know. It could happen!

Okay, you get the point. Trouble comes and we can give in, give up or we can fight back. For today’s show, I’m going to boil it down into two very different reactions. We can either run away and hide. Or we can run into it, determined to get through it as best we can. We can be a cow. Or a buffalo.

As usual there’s irony. Or is it paradox? I’m not sure. Who can know?

I do know that buffalo and cows are about the same size. More or less. Both are from the bovine species. Yet they choose very different directions when thunderstorms hit. Cows run one way. Buffalo just the opposite.

Maybe we can’t know why, but I have an answer (you knew I would). Cows get scared and run away. They want to hide. It doesn’t work out for them. By running with the storm they just endure a lot more time in the storm. Are they stupid? Maybe. More stupid than buffalo? Perhaps. They think they’re doing the right thing. Why else would they do it? Surely they believe that running from the storm is the ideal option. That’s why they do it.

eat-more-chikinBut they’re wrong. Maybe they’re too busy protesting people eating beef. They’re holding up their “Eat Mor Chickin” signs while the buffalo are being brave.

For whatever reason that maybe they don’t even understand, cattle hide. They’re cowards. And that cowardly behavior results in far more time in the storm than if they had just stayed put. That’s right. They could have just remained in that field with that thunderstorm and they’d have been spared the time in the storm, but the skies grew dark and they got worried. So they made the wrong choice.

It’s the worst option possible for the cattle. Like us, maybe they confuse movement with proper action. Maybe they’d feel foolish just standing there while a storm blew in. So rather than feel foolish they feel better about themselves by running away. They might be saying to themselves, “At least we’re running.” Who can know what they’re thinking or saying? We just know it doesn’t work out to their best outcome.

Buffalo could also decide to stay put. That would make them wiser than the cattle running in the same direction as the storm. But buffalo aren’t content to stand there being pelted with rain, hail and possible lightning. They’re evidently wired enough like cattle to want to get out. Maybe it’s instinctive or maybe they’ve got better weather forecasters than the cattle. They know getting ahead of the storm is futile. I mean, what are you going to do? Run and run and run…until the storm peters out? That could be many miles of running. You can’t know when the storm will play out, or how?

The buffalo seem to know that storm has a beginning though. Back through the dark clouds somewhere is blue sky. The buffalo seem bent to find it. Sooner than later. They know if they run hard enough, fast enough and long enough — that the someday soon the clouds will part and the sun will shine again.

Cattle and buffalo know something is wrong. They may not know what exactly it is. Well, maybe they do. For all I know they sense barometric pressure and notice when it’s dropping. I guess I should have interviewed some cattle and buffalo in preparation for today’s show. It just seemed like too much work so instead, I decided to make some assumptions and record them as fact.

I’m going with these facts. The cattle know something is wrong. They just don’t know what. Their recognition isn’t all that keen. At least when it comes to thunderstorms. Frankly, I don’t know if they have any solid recognition skills other than knowing if folks ate more chicken then more of them might survive. But that seems futile really because where are they going to go. What will they do to survive? You can’t make a living wearing a Chick-fil-A sandwich board.

Buffalo seem to know WHAT is wrong. By recognizing the event as a thunderstorm, they react with greater wisdom. It helps to have a clear understanding of what’s wrong.

Have you ever seen a crowd know something is wrong, but not know what…and react poorly? In 1987 the State Treasurer for Pennsylvania, Robert Budd Dwyer, committed suicide in front of TV crews. He had been accused of bribery and all sorts of criminal behavior, which he denied all along. A local TV photographer came to my office on the day of this event, popped into my VCR a tape and announced, “You’ve got to see this.” Not knowing what I was about to watch I saw Dwyer conduct a press conference where once again he denied any wrong doing. After reading a prepared statement he grabbed a manilla envelope, took out a pistol and told people to get back. I remember hearing some woman screaming that he had a gun and it was evident she thought he was about to kill some people in the room. She didn’t recognize what was about to happen. (Yes, you can find video of this online to this very day)

He said a few more things, put the pistol in his mouth and pulled the trigger. TV crews caught the whole thing. Turns out the primary witness against him later admitted he lied to get a reduced sentence for his own crimes. Turns out, Dwyer may have been innocent after all. Talk about lots of failure in recognition. It was rampant. Things aren’t always as they seem.

Cattle are like that woman who ran out of the room screaming that Dwyer had a gun. She was convinced he was going to go on a murderous rampage. Who could blame her? But she was wrong. He had no intention of hurting anybody other than himself. I remember thinking how suddenly it had happened. One second he’s talking to the crowd, the next second he’s laying on the floor dead.

Dwyer had choices. Turns out he was pretty calculated in his choice. By dying in office he insured his widow got the pension of over $1 million. Was it his best option? Not likely. Maybe he could proven himself innocent. But for some reason he made his choice to end his life. I don’t think it was buffalo behavior. The storm of his life – a pending lengthy prison sentence – was seen as something he couldn’t overcome or endure. Death was the ultimate run away tactic. A permanent way to hide. No, not the wisest choice. Suicide is never the wisest choice, but I admit I have a faith bias. Our life isn’t ours to take. No human life is ours to take. Proof I guess that we’re all free to choose foolishly.

Seeing clearly is what’s necessary if we’re truly going to know what’s wrong. Keep in mind, knowing what’s wrong doesn’t necessarily imply that we know what to do about it. We can know what’s wrong and still be very unsure of what we ought to do. Today, I’m focused on knowing what’s wrong though because if don’t, there’s no way we can react properly — or with wisdom. So it’s a first things first deal.

By running away and hiding we display fear. Nothing more. Just cowardly fear.

We bury our head in the sand. We hide from our problems. We avoid dealing or confronting our circumstance.

We hope we can stay a step ahead of the storm. We hope things will work out. We hope up ahead are clear skies. Rarely, if ever, are we right.

Hiding and running away almost always lead to a more devastating outcome. There’s a benefit in pre-thinking it and making up our mind in advance. There’s benefit in thinking it over.

Each of us can determine which critter will typify our behavior. We can decide that ahead of time.

We all know storms are coming. Maybe you’re in the middle of a doozy right now. You know you’re not going to be able to avoid them all your life. Nobody does. Money won’t prevent them from hitting you. Good health won’t either. Family and friends can’t protect you from never experiencing them. They’re just part of life and they’re coming.

What are you going to do when they roll in? That’s the only question. Pre-think that and figure out what you’re going to do. Consider the cost of behaving like cattle or behaving like buffalo. Both of them have a cost.

When it comes to time in the storm, the cattle endure a longer experience. But in the moment when they run, the cattle likely feel pretty good. Maybe the buffalo a bit more scared knowing the storm is going to be hitting them directly in the face, sooner than later. Maybe they had a few moments of dread. They face the storm anyway. It’s the price they’re willing to pay to get through it quicker. Bravery always has a cost. But so does cowardice.

Stop running. Quit hiding. It just makes matter worse. And it prolongs the storm. That’s the moral of today’s show. Decide you’re going to get through whatever storms come your way as quickly and without any more damage than is required. You’re going to get wet. You’re going to hear some thunder. You’re going to see some lightning. It can’t be helped.

See the storm for what it is — an opportunity to exercise wisdom in real-time, a chance to learn and grow — and a time to prove to yourself and those you love, that you’re a buffalo!


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