I'm Just A Man In Search Of An Epiphany (5011) - LEANING TOWARD WISDOM

I’m Just A Man In Search Of An Epiphany (5011)

I'm Just A Man In Search Of An Epiphany (5011) - LEANING TOWARD WISDOM

Let’s go outside and enjoy the summer heat, shall we? A change of scenery is sometimes a good thing. Today’s show was recorded on my deck, not inside The Yellow Studio.

Epiphany (defined): note – this is the 3rd definition and the one I refer to, as opposed to folks who use it in a religious sense

(1) a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something
(2) an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking
(3) an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure
b a revealing scene or moment

Sometime in 2015, I experienced one, professionally. But it definitely had very personal overtones. It impacted all facets of my professional desires. Over time I shoved all my professional chips into the middle of the table to enter a space previously foreign to me. Bold. Big. Scary. Very scary.

I want to encourage you, urge you to get in touch with who you are, and what you are. Then bet the proverbial farm on it. Fear can cripple the effort. Don’t let it.

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